Where Science meets Soul

Welcome to an integrated approach to wellness, one that combines the powerful tools of movement, nutrition and mindfulness to help you experience better health.


I’m Dayna, your guide, coach and biggest fan. My personalized approach combines over two decades of experience in athletic coaching with Ayurvedic wisdom. Together, we’ll identify the kinds of movement, foods, and daily practices to help you look and feel your best.

Join me on this transformative journey as we unveil your path to whole health, Body to Soul.

Care for
your Body and mind

Movement is one of the most powerful ways to transform our mind and body. Through movement we develop proprioception – or awareness – of our bodies and how we relate to the world around us. This helps us to develop practical things like improved coordination for athletics but also allows us to tune in to the signs of when to train hard and when to rest. 

Food IS medicine. The foods we eat and the state of our digestion are directly related to how we feel in our day to day physically and emotionally, our choices either moving us towards wellness or dis-ease. Cultivating awareness around what and how we eat is an essential part of our journey to better health. 

Through mindfulness practices we cultivate interoception, or awareness of our internal world and how we relate to ourselves. We begin to invite in a state of rest and digest, where we release stress in body and mind and allow it to return to balance. When balanced we experience less anxiety, depression and other maladies of the mind.  

Explore how these three pillars of health can help you look and feel your best inside and out. 

Care for
your Whole Self 

Are you in search of a holistic approach to well-being that nurtures your body, mind, and soul? Would you like to discover your unique mind body type and the kinds oe movements, nutrition and lifestyle habits that are the most beneficial to you? One that offers a proven guide for a life of happiness, vitality, love and purpose? 

Do you ever ask yourself questions like Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Are you curious to explore the deeper layers of your being? Have you wondered about your energetic body and the role emotions play in your health? Are you looking for something rooted in science? 

Discover your true nature and the practices that help create health and balance in your mind-body system through Ayurveda – The Science of Life.  Its wisdom and practices, although ancient, continues to be proven as powerful in caring for our mental, physical and spiritual selves. It helps us to return to our natural state of health, balance and wholeness.

Explore these questions and what it feels like to experience whole health, Body to Soul.

Soul Net Podcast

Welcome to the Soul Net Podcast where curious souls gather to contemplate life! Join me and my co-hosts, Megan Lammam and Islena Faircrest, as we dive deep into real-life experiences that break us open and expand our capacity for connection.

Listen now.

Who are YOU?

Discover your own Unique Mindbody type.

Take the quiz NOW.

Connect with Dayna.

Alopecia Mentorship

No matter what you choose to show the world (or not) the most important is how we feel about ourselves within.

Connect with Dayna.


I came into personal training over 20 years ago after a post- partum weight loss ignited a spark to return to coaching, something I’d done in my earlier life. Having been an athlete myself, I’ve trained my clients for life and sport – now considered ‘Functional Training’ – and hold a number of sports specific and active rehabilitation certifications as well as personal trainer, nutrition, and now Ayurveda. I’ve coached hundreds of clients, thousands of hours and had the opportunity to work with celebrities, athletes of all ages and plenty of everyday people like you and me. I’ve guided clients through injury, illness and transition and meet each of them where they are and help them find ways to integrate the practices most beneficial to their unique mindbody type.

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A balanced mindbody opens the door to more feelings of health and vitality, less illness and disease - mental and physical.

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